Monday 8 July 2024

Winners are grinners.

 26th Wine Open Round 9

I won't bore you with the first five moves. My opponent already disliked his position and offered me a draw. Clear first, little to think about. It seems that despite my age I'm still able to destroy the hopes and dreams of much younger competitors 😉 Everyone needs some motivation.

All the photos are available on this link

The final standings are available on this link

Here's a few selected highlights.

Eva Maria Zickelbein has been a regular in the wine tournament for many years, as well as a valuable member of the interclub chess team. Evi, as she is affectionately known to her friends, also tirelessly helps with setting up, taking pictures, writing articles, and anything else that needs to be done. Nobody deserves wine more!

There was another Aussie here as well! Rike is presenting Vanessa Faraday with an upset prize. Not a bad start for what I believe is Vanessa's first tournament,

The next day I drove to Gueugnon, Burgundy, to take Nina back home. Dinner was three types of locally picked forest mushrooms, figs and pork roti, with a bottle of wine of course 😋

I left early the next day, looking forward to an early afternoon arrival in St Tropez. If your trip crosses Lyon during the day, add several hours to your plans. 

I did arrive just before dinner, this time Mergues, Lamb chops, Cod, Salad and Potatoes. I was able to contribute wine.  

Now I'm enjoying the spoils with the St Tropez sunset as a backdrop. In a few days, the journey continues.

                                                                          Cheers 😎

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