Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Pig in Paradise

Although I do not refer to myself it does seem appropriate. I do not remember the last time I played in a tournament where all the rounds are played at the same time of day. No morning rounds, no double rounds or weekender time controls. Hastings has the unmistakable Stewart Reuben stamp on it. There is always some room for improvement, like more stable tables, more elbow room and the playing hall is a bit chilly but all told a job well done. After the game one can wander around the town and it's many pubs restaurants and Cafes. I spent the evening at the "Pig in Paradise", an old favorite amongst chess players.  More details and pictures of Hastings soon. First todays game

Now I need to do some prep. My reward for this gem is black against the top seed Edouard Romain. Any ideas?....anybody?....

1 comment:

  1. Keep your pieces safe and make sure his pieces aren't
