Sunday, 29 June 2014

Naujac sur Mer round 1

We arrived in Naujac yesterday afternoon and were greeted by old friends who were in the grip of football fever. The Dutch are well represented here and all wear the orange uniform, drink Dutch beer and yell whenever something exciting happens on the TV. Todays match between Holland and Mexico was rudely interrupted by the first round of the chess tournament but the tragics were saved by the organisers and friendly opponents who allowed the games to be moved to the camping ground so the players could watch the match between moves.

Before we get to the game let me show you a few pictures of our afternoon walk in Montelivet. Every year about this time there is a huge bike rally which draws the faithful from all over the world. The main road is closed off as Harleys and other bikes parade up and down the main road. The noise they make is enthralling.

Also it looks like the locals are well fed :-)

Young and old admire the superbly maintained bikes

The Atlantic provides a perfect backdrop

Amazing Jack Daniels theme.

On to my game.

I was playing a friendly retired gentleman from Mont de Marsan. Since retirement he has been playing a lot and resigned in a position where I thought he could still continue but he had seen a win for me that I had not! Respect!

If you are wondering why he didn't play 32Qb2 it is because I can reply Nd3!!, a move I had not seen yet.
thats all for today folks, time for some football and a few glasses of Bordeaux.

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